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Saturday, May 15, 2010

My labor story

Me at 9 cm...I think this was around 12 or so

So I will have another post about Owen and being a mother, but I first want to blog about my labor process. For some reason I really didn't think that I would go into labor on my own, and that I would be induced on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. I also was expecting that I would probably have to have a C section, just because it seems like most of the people I know ended up needing them. Little did I know, I was completely wrong on all accounts.

I woke up on Sunday, May 10th feeling a little uncomfortable and thinking that I may be getting some light contractions but nothing consistent or strong. I really didn't know what labor felt like, so I really didn't know. As I continued on with the day and went to my sister and brother in laws house for a Mother's Day cookout, things started to feel a bit stronger. It felt like I was having bad menstrual cramps that would come and go. People around me could tell that something was going on. We started timing them around 7:00, and they continued to keep coming. We got up to around being 5 minutes apart. At this point, they were uncomfortable, but still very bearable. Patrick called the after hours number for my doctor, and they told us that it would be a good idea to go ahead and go to the hospital. We came back home and quickly packed up the rest of our bags and gave our puppy a kiss goodbye. I let my parents know that I thought this was the real thing and that they could head on down.

We made it to the hospital around 11:00 or so. I went to triage where I was checked and told that I was only 1 centimeter dialated. I was hoping to be further, but since I hadn't been anything the Thursday before, I knew something was in the works. The doctor made me walk around the 9th floor of Good Sam for an hour and then said she would check again to see if any progress had been made. After the long and boring stroll around, I was checked and was still just one centimeter. A little bummed, but still not feeling too unbearable. We were given the option to stay or to go home for a little bit and come back. Since I wasn't in too terrible pain, we decided to come home. I wanted Patrick to try and get at least some sleep. They gave me a sleeping pill and told me to try and rest. They also said that if I could sleep, then it may not be real labor. We arrived home around 12:30 or 1ish, and my parents were here. Patrick went to bed and I tried to lay down as well. Then things got much much much stronger. I couldn't lay down and for sure couldn't sleep. I came out to the family room and pretty much paced around. The pain became really intense like nothing I'd ever felt. My sweet Bella hung out with me, and I even carried her around some while I paced and winced in pain. Finally at around 5:10, I could take it no longer. I woke Patrick up and told him that we needed to leave now. I was really afraid of the car ride to the hospital because I was in so much pain.

We got back to the hospital at about 5:40 or so, and they checked me again. I was three centimeters at this point and they admitted me and got me in a room. They told me that I could get the epidural at any point, so I really didn't waste much time. I got it around 8:00 in the morning of May 10th. I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to get that. I went from wanting to die, to being pretty darn comfortable. The contractions continued to come, but I sure couldn't feel them. One of the nurses even commented that the contractions on the monitor were strong and extremely long. I was sooo glad I had the epidural. I had heard that epidurals can slow down your labor, so I was a little worried about that but I felt so much better that I didn't even really care if it lasted longer. Anyways, I continued to progress and progress each time they checked me. At around 2:00, I was fully dialated and ready to push. At this point, I still could not feel the contraction pain, but I could feel pressure when I had a contraction. That made it easier for me to push I think. With a nurse holding one leg, and Patrick holding the other, I started the pushing process. With every contraction, I took one deep breath, let it out, then another, held it in and pushed with all my might for 10 seconds. Then I did it again so I pushed 3 times with each contractions. I pushed for around an hour and 15 minutes. I was starting to get a little tired. It was hard work. The doctor and nurse were impressed and thought I did an excellent job pushing. I had not planned on looking in that area as I was giving birth, but I did end up curious and took a peek at the head coming out. The last few pushes were getting tiring, and I remember just wanting to get him out already. Then at 3:13 in the afternoon, I got my wish. My little boy came out without any extra help and was placed on my chest. I was overjoyed and exhausted and overwhelmed. I cried immediately. There is nothing like that feeling. They then took him over to check him out while the doctor finished up with me. I did have to be cut just a little, which I didn't even really know about. I thought he might have, but it didn't hurt at all. Patrick got to see Owen and take pictures and instantly posted to facebook. Pretty soon our family got to come in and see us. At this point, I had a fever of 102. My body had just worked so hard. I had to get antibiotics through the IV, but they did the trick and I felt better in not too long. The whole hour or two after was surreal, and I felt kinda loopy with a fever like that. I soon got moved to the post partum room, since on the IV for antibiotics. I got rid of the fever and felt much better, although exhausted and overwhelmed as well. But I had the most perfect baby that I had ever seen. I was instantly in love. I'm not sure who he looks like more, but I think he will be a good mix of us.

So that's my story. I think that I pretty much prepared for the worst, or at least for worse, so I consider myself extremely lucky. I wouldn't say that it was easy, but I could have had it much worse. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I can't tell you how much the epidural helped, and would recommend it to anyone. More power to you if you want to go the natural route...that's awesome. But it wasn't for me. I was comfortable and not nearly as tired, so it made things so much better. I guess I would have gotten through it, but I can't imagine contractions for several hours more than what I already had. I think I would have been so worn down and may not have been able to push as well. Anyways, that's my labor story. I will post more about the first few days home with my little angel....yes he has been an angel....but I'm a little preoccupied right now. About time for another feeding ;)

Also, tons of pictures are posted here if you want to see:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day and my DUE DATE!!!

Well, it is officially Mother's Day, May 9th, and my DUE DATE! Come out Owen! I have been feeling more uncomfortable for sure. My hips hurt! I don't know if it's from sleeping awkwardly, the hormones, or the walking I've been doing the past two days. Probably a combination. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for quite a while, and they do seem to be getting a bit more intense and hurting a little more. Still nothing unbearable and nothing steady. So for now, it's still a waiting game. I went to the doctor this past Thursday and I still wasn't dialated any. The plan is to go to the doctor again Tuesday at 8:30 to check progress again. They are also going to do an ultrasound to check fluid levels and baby size and some other things I think. I believe he said they were also going to do a stress test. If everything still looks completely normal and no progress, I will have to wait a little longer. If anything looks not normal or fluids are at all low, which is fairly common once you go past 40 weeks, then he is going to send us to the hospital to start the whole induction process. If I haven't progressed, they will probably give me cervidil first. I'll know more on Tuesday after the appointment. The doctor did tell us to bring our bags and everything to the appointment like we were going to go to the hospital. He said that after 40 weeks there are risks to keeping them in there longer, so they are really looking for an excuse to induce at that point. I really wanted to go on my own, and I still have a little time for that to possibly happen, but at this point I'm fine with having a little help! I'm ready to meet my little boy! I trust my doctor and will do whatever he tells me and thinks is right. Whether that be getting induced or waiting, we'll just have to wait and see. Patrick will definitely be keeping everyone updated on facebook, and will probably have pictures up right away. Wish us luck!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

39 weeks.....come out, come out!

Well I can officially say that my baby is due next Sunday! I can't believe we are down to one week....give or take! I went back to the doctor last Thursday and there was no further progress. I still haven't been feeling any contractions besides Braxton Hicks. I feel pretty good, just big, so I really can't complain. I know he'll come out when he's ready. I do feel like my body is a ticking time bomb though, and waiting and not knowing is the hardest part. We do have an induction scheduled for May 12th if he is not out before. We are supposed to go in at 1 am to get the whole process started. Wednesdays are the days when my doctor is on call at the hospital. I'm hoping that I don't have to be induced, but my main goal was to go at least up to my due date to give my body time to do it's thing on it's own. I had Patrick take some pictures of me and of us this afternoon. I'm not sure how many more opportunities for maternity pictures we are going to get! I think they turned out really well. Can't wait until we can start taking pictures of our baby! He's going to have so many that it won't even be funny. I have this week left of work, unless of course I go into labor. I think I have everything ready, but how prepared can you really be? Look for more posts to come in the near future! We're almost there!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

37.5 weeks....will it ever end?

37 weeks, 3 days

I went to the doctor today for my weekly appointment and he did start checking me at this appointment. He said there wasn't much progress yet. I'm not dialated at all, but I am about 60% effaced. With all of these Braxton Hick contractions I've been having, I would have thought I was maybe around there or a little more. I'm excited to have him out, but scared to death at the same time. I'm not as much scared of the labor as taking him home! Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled he will be here, it's just a little scary to be in charge of something so incredibly important! Anyways, the doctor wanted to go ahead and schedule an induction if I haven't already gone into labor. Since he is on call on Wednesdays, he went ahead and scheduled it for Wednesday, May 12th. I will be a few days past my due date at that point. I really hope I don't have to be induced, but I think that giving my body at least up until my due date is good. If I don't have him by then, I will be fine with being induced on the 12th. Another interesting thing at the appointment was when the doctor guessed how big Owen was going to be. He said he didn't think he was going to be very big of a baby, and he guessed that he would be born weighing in the low 6's! That was based on just seeing me and feeling the baby, and he did say afterward that he really didn't know and couldn't say for sure. So I'm definitely not counting on it. I've heard plenty of stories from people who have had doctors say their babies would be much bigger or smaller than ended up being. My guess is that he will be in the low 7's. Only time will tell! If you are reading this and you have a guess, play my game! Go to and make a guess! The only other exciting thing to report is that I am getting a hot stone foot massage and pedicure at Becoming Mom on Saturday morning! Cherette and Aaron got it for me for Christmas, and I was holding out until I was closer so that I would have pretty toes for the delivery. Well pretty toes really just for the warmer weather where I'd be wearing more sandals and they would be seen. Anyways, I'm very much looking forward to it!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

36 weeks, 2 days belly pic!

Here's the latest pics for tonight (4/13) at 36 weeks, 2 days. Little man sure is growing in there!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

36 week update and Springfield shower

Two of the three hosts of the shower

I am now 36 weeks as of today! Not long now! I'm starting to get a little more uncomfortable too. I wouldn't say miserable, but definitely not moving as quickly and the belly is unbelievable. The past couple weeks have been beautiful for the most part, with pretty warm temperatures. I have never been a particularly hot person, but man a couple of those days I was HOT. I started to swell much more too, mainly just my hands and ankles. I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday, and then another one this Thursday where he is going to start measuring me to see if I'm at all dialated. I see him every week now until the big day. Can't believe how soon it will be here! I'm really excited for little Owen to finally be here. I've been a bit on nesting overdrive. Started doing the baby laundry yesterday, and currently have a load in the washer and one in the dryer at this very moment. I admit I was somewhat obsessing over trying to figure out the perfect place for everything in the room, and Patrick said I needed to stop over thinking it and that I would probably change my mind when he was born. Too funny, and probably true too. I think we have all the of the necessities for our little man, and now we just need him!

Last weekend I had my side of the family and friend shower in my hometown of Springfield. Once again I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that came and the generosity. We got some more great clothes, bottles, our bouncer, sheets, feeding items, and so much more. The cousins on my dad's side of the family have quite a bit of children, and mostly all are girls. I think it's something like 11 girls to 2 boys. My cousin Todd's wife is now pregnant too, and due in August with a boy too! I told her we were trying to repopulate the family with boys. Anyways, it was really fun at the shower because the little girls sat in front of me when I was opening up the presents, and would "oohhh" and "ahhh" and say "oh that is sooo adorable" whenever I would open up an new outfit. They were too cute!

The girls (faces painted and all) "oohhing" and "ahhing"

Me and mom

Me and Cherette

Mother in law and sister in law

Valerie and I! She's due July 11th, and me May 9th. She's still so tiny compared to me!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

34.5 weeks and getting HUGE!

34 weeks, 3 days

34 weeks, 3 days

Definitely getting huge and can tell my little boy is doing some serious growing in there! By now he weighs around 5 pounds. Poor Bella, he's already outgrown her by a pound! I'm still feeling good, just large! It gets a little tiring carrying this extra weight. I have my last shower in my hometown this Saturday, and I'm really excited to see my side of the family.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2nd Baby Shower!

Tiffany hosted my 2nd baby shower for friends and coworkers. We were blessed with a gorgeous sunny day! The shower was so much fun! Tiffany did a fantastic job. It was our first reveal of the name we chose for our little dude....Owen Joseph White. Patrick and I decided on the name recently, and had only told a few people and our parents. Tiffany put it on the cake, so it was fun telling people that way. The little saying was so cute! Tiffany also made me an adorable cake of another nature, a diaper cake! Very crafty! I told her that her first gift (the diaper cake) would ultimately end up in her second gift (the diaper genie)!

Me and Tiffany

Games we played included the belly measuring game, a baby shower mad lib, a name the candy baby shower poem, and baby shower bingo. My coworker Emily was pretty much dead on with the measuring game. Most other people measured too big once again. The baby shower mad lib was absolutely hilarious. For those not familiar with mad libs, you get one sheet first that tells you to come up with various parts of speech like a noun, verb, adjective, number, etc. Then after you choose your words, you get a story where you fill in the blanks with the words you chose. They were all so funny, I had to randomly pick a winner. The poem was really cute too. Linda ended up winning that one. Here is a link for some of the games that we played.

Kristy and Miranda

I once again got some amazing gifts. Everyone was so generous, and I really am thankful that I have such awesome people in my life. The first thing I opened was from Casey and it was a little onesie that she had designed. It had the silhouette of a chihuahua and said "My older sister is a Chihuahua." So perfect! Now all I need is a shirt for Bella that says "Big Sister." I know, I'm a nerd. I got more great adorable clothes as well as extremely useful items such as our high chair, Diaper Genie, electronic nasal aspirator, teethers, toys, and so much more. Not to mention a baby tuxedo from Andrea! So cute! We have a wedding to go to in August, so he will look like such a little man! The best shower gift may have to go to Miranda though. Not only did she get things for the baby, she included the DVD of New Moon with her gift! Leave it to Miranda! My college friends who are now in Illinois, Nebraska, and Michigan could not make it to the shower, but they did send me the awesome swing we registered for at Target! So excited to try it out! Megan also got the baby his first Miami gear, shown in the prior post.

Bella posing by the onesie made by Casey

Me and Miranda

Just want to say thanks again to all my friends, family, and coworkers. I've gotten so much and been so lucky. Much thanks to Tiffany for being an awesome friend and making everything perfect. I had so much fun!

UMR work crew

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Miami Man!!

I got home today to a wonderful present! My good college friend Megan had to make sure that our little guy had some Miami gear. The onesies and the blanket are soooo cute! So excited for him to show some school spirit to the school where his parents met. I didn't have anything Miami related for the little guy yet, and I love what she picked out! He's going to be such a stud! Thanks again Megan!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Childbirth Class and 33 weeks!

32 weeks, 4 days

This past Saturday we had our childbirth class at the hospital. We ended up doing the one day condensed class that took up a good chunk of the day. It also happened to be one of the first really nice Saturdays, but oh well. It was actually very interesting and beneficial I think. The first part talked a little about nutrition, both prenatal and for the first year of the baby's life. I'm sure the pediatrician will talk about it more too, but I felt slightly clueless on when you fed babies what. Like what age you introduced rice cereal, when they got baby food, etc. So that was good. Then the rest of the class was the fun labor stuff. We practiced breathing and went over different positions for when you are in labor, and they even had the guys practice back massages! That was my favorite part. The video wasn't that bad. The only part that was pretty gross was when they showed the placenta being delivered. You don't really think about that having to come out too, or at least I didn't. I mean I knew it didn't stay in there, but I just didn't think about it much. I think most people are distracted because the baby is already out anyways. Patrick was such a good sport about spending his Saturday at a childbirth class. I know he wasn't thrilled about spending his Saturday doing that, but nonetheless he was a great husband and father. I think he was slightly entertained watching my stomach and feeling my stomach since our little dude was quite active that day! I am taking another class the beginning of April on breastfeeding.

In other news, the nursery is almost finished! The curtains are up, pictures are up, and the memory board is up. I also got little letters for his name and covered them with fabric that matches the curtains. Yes...we do have a name!! A few people know, but we are sorta keeping it a secret for now. I have a shower for friends and coworkers next Saturday, and his name will be on the cake so a lot of people will find out then. I'm so excited to finally have a name and get used to him as something other than little man! The only other thing new that I am excited about is that my good friend from my hometown, Valerie (Pease) Hayes, just found out that she too is having a boy. Our boys will be about 9 weeks apart! Wish we lived closer, but we're not too far and we'll have to make more visits!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

1st Baby Shower!

Me with the hostess Cherette!

31 weeks today! I had my first baby shower yesterday thrown by my awesome sister in law Cherette for Patrick's side of the family. She held it at her house, and everything was just perfect. She had everything decorated so well, and was quite crafty! The diaper wreaths were sooo awesome! I hadn't seen them before, and think they are just as cute or cuter than diaper cakes. The favors were little baby food jars (saved from Kara) that she painted and put jelly beans in and attached with an "It's a Boy!" ribbon. The finishing touch was a picture of the little monkey face that is on our bedding put on the top of the jars. The same little monkey was on the cake, as well as the saying that she put on our invitations. I don't think I've seen a cuter cake! I took about 15 pictures of it, and hated cutting it! I could go on and on about how cute everything looked! I took pictures with our DSLR camera that is fairly new, and that I haven't had reason to use very much yet. The pictures turned out great! Such a difference with the other point and shoot camera I have. I uploaded a small amount, but more are on facebook, and I had sooo many more! Between both cameras, I had around 275 pictures! Yikes, just think about how many there will be when the baby is actually here!


Diaper wreath #1

Diaper wreath #2

The amazing cake!

The games were a lot of fun too. My favorite was where teams had to cut out pictures from magazines of different baby parts and glue them onto a piece of paper to create what they thought baby White would look like. They were all very creative and so different! Cherette knew I would appreciate having the pictures for my scrapbook. I got to hold up the finished products and announce my favorite. The winner ended up being a little boy with an interesting mismatched outfit, a guitar in hand, hat on, complete with a little dog by the feet. They got an extra point for the little dog, but I thought the outfit was great too. The runner up was one that had a little face that actually did look a lot like Patrick when he was little. They however lost points by putting legs on him that had pink pants and pink shoes on the feet. Another one of the games was tasting or smelling baby food and trying to guess the ingredients. The first one was alright, but the rest were seriously soooo gross. Made me really want to make the baby's food even more! We also did the belly measuring game, and Patrick's cousin Olivia was almost dead on!

What will baby White look like?

Yum! Baby food!

I got some really great things for our little man! He got a lot of adorable clothes, onesies, sleepers, hats, etc. He's going to be such a stud! We also got quite a few cute toys for him. I was very excited to get my Boppy pillow, my Bumbo seat, the Bundle Me for the carseat when it's cold, bath tub, and tons of hooded towels! I'm so thankful for all the family, because we could never afford to get all this great stuff on our own for the baby.


Patrick was in Columbus for the night for the Arnold classic, so my mom stayed the night with me after the shower. It was really nice to have her here. We got home pretty tired, but still got out all the stuff and looked at it all again. It was fun to put it away and try and figure out where I wanted everything to go. I still have to wash everything, but I wanted to get it somewhat arranged. Such a great day!

Monday, March 1, 2010

30 weeks....10 to go!

30 weeks, 1 day

30 weeks, 1 day

Kate and sweet baby James!

Bella, enjoying my preggo pillow the Snoogle

Almost down to single digit weeks! As you can see, I am huge now! I don't have many complaints except I have to pee almost constantly! I think his favorite spot in there must be right on my bladder. I go see my doctor again next Tuesday, but nothing eventful at that appointment. I'm glad February has come and gone, and am so excited for upcoming things in March and April (and of course May!). My first shower is next Saturday, and I know it will be fantastic. We have our childbirth class on March 20th, and then another shower for friends and coworkers on the 27th. No name yet....still calling him little man for the time being.

This past Saturday I got to go visit my college roommate Kate who came in town to see her sister's new baby James. He was just born on the 18th of Feb, so a little over a week old. He was so precious! He was a very content little guy. It was great to see Kate and the baby, and it did make me really excited for our little man to get here!

Had to throw in a little picture of Bella too. After all, she is my first baby! I think I said in a previous post, she seems to enjoy the Snoogle too. She always sleeps either curled up in the bottom part or somewhat on top of it, or between me and the pillow. Don't worry, the human baby will not be sleeping in this manner. Bella is pretty good at moving or letting us know where she is.

Things going on this week with little man:
  • He's about 3 pounds now and around 15.5-16 inches
  • The lanugo hair that covered his body as protection is starting to fall off
  • He can open and close his eyes and even respond to light shined on him
  • Amniotic fluid around him will start to decrease as he gets bigger to make more room

Sunday, February 21, 2010

29 weeks and glucose test

Today marks 29 weeks.....11 weeks to go! I went to the doctor for the all dreaded glucose test to determine whether or not I had developed gestational diabetes. You have to fast, so I just scheduled my appointment for the morning and didn't eat anything beforehand. They gave me this glucose drink that tasted somewhat like a flat sprite with artificial sweetener added. It was pretty gross. Then they wait a hour and draw your blood to test the sugar levels. It made me nauseous drinking it, then the blood test without eating was no fun either. They test your iron levels at this time too, and for me they tested my thyroid since I have a thyroid condition. Needless to say, it was not a fun morning, but I did get awesome news the next day that I had passed the glucose test and my iron levels were good too. Very thankful that I passed, and also that I don't have to partake in the second test they give you over three hours!

After a fiasco last weekend with my dresser/combo unit, we do have the correct one now! We had gotten the crib at Baby Depot, but they didn't have any other pieces in the collection besides the crib. Babies R Us carries the same collection, so I figured I wouldn't have a problem ordering the combo unit there. I had to wait a little while for them to get it in the warehouse before ordering, but I finally got word that it was in last week. We opened it up and realized it was the total wrong color, and was about 4 shades darker than the crib we had. I was baffled at first. Both the crib and the dresser say they are in the cherry finish. After a little more research, we discovered that Babies R Us carries Rustic Cherry and Baby Depot carries Natural Cherry. Greeeeeat, seriously? Two different cherry finishes? Luckily they let us return it at Babies R Us last Sunday, and we went to Baby Depot to see if they had gotten it yet. They hadn't, but said we could special order. A special order could take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. Me being me and wanting to get the nursery finished was a little bummed, but I couldn't find anywhere else to get it and I really wanted it. So we ordered last Sunday, and imagine my surprise when I get a call on Thursday afternoon saying that it was already in! It took less than a week, and here I was imagining it not coming in until right before or after he was born. I did have a 20% off coupon that miraculously came in the mail the week before as well. I am a happy camper once again! We picked it up Saturday, and it looks awesome. I was a little worried since the first fiasco, but it is perfect. My mom came down on Friday night to go to a jewelry party with me, and she brought a little side table for us to go beside the glider. It matches and is just want I wanted. Just a few things left to decorate in there and get the curtains up! All major furniture is purchased! My first shower is in two weeks, and I can't wait! Cherette has been working hard, and I know she has cute little projects going on. It is going to be so much fun!

Dresser/combo unit

Exciting things going on with the baby this week:
  • He weighs between 2.5 and 3 pounds, and around 15 inches long.
  • The baby's brain can now control breathing and body functions.
  • The baby can cough and has perfected the sucking ability.
  • Skin is starting to appear less wrinkled, and he is starting to fill out.
  • Based on brain waves, it is shown that babies can dream at this point! Wonder what he could be dreaming about!
  • Babies born at this point have a 9/10 chance for survival. Hoping he stays in there though to further develop and get bigger!