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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day and my DUE DATE!!!

Well, it is officially Mother's Day, May 9th, and my DUE DATE! Come out Owen! I have been feeling more uncomfortable for sure. My hips hurt! I don't know if it's from sleeping awkwardly, the hormones, or the walking I've been doing the past two days. Probably a combination. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for quite a while, and they do seem to be getting a bit more intense and hurting a little more. Still nothing unbearable and nothing steady. So for now, it's still a waiting game. I went to the doctor this past Thursday and I still wasn't dialated any. The plan is to go to the doctor again Tuesday at 8:30 to check progress again. They are also going to do an ultrasound to check fluid levels and baby size and some other things I think. I believe he said they were also going to do a stress test. If everything still looks completely normal and no progress, I will have to wait a little longer. If anything looks not normal or fluids are at all low, which is fairly common once you go past 40 weeks, then he is going to send us to the hospital to start the whole induction process. If I haven't progressed, they will probably give me cervidil first. I'll know more on Tuesday after the appointment. The doctor did tell us to bring our bags and everything to the appointment like we were going to go to the hospital. He said that after 40 weeks there are risks to keeping them in there longer, so they are really looking for an excuse to induce at that point. I really wanted to go on my own, and I still have a little time for that to possibly happen, but at this point I'm fine with having a little help! I'm ready to meet my little boy! I trust my doctor and will do whatever he tells me and thinks is right. Whether that be getting induced or waiting, we'll just have to wait and see. Patrick will definitely be keeping everyone updated on facebook, and will probably have pictures up right away. Wish us luck!!!!