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Sunday, May 2, 2010

39 weeks.....come out, come out!

Well I can officially say that my baby is due next Sunday! I can't believe we are down to one week....give or take! I went back to the doctor last Thursday and there was no further progress. I still haven't been feeling any contractions besides Braxton Hicks. I feel pretty good, just big, so I really can't complain. I know he'll come out when he's ready. I do feel like my body is a ticking time bomb though, and waiting and not knowing is the hardest part. We do have an induction scheduled for May 12th if he is not out before. We are supposed to go in at 1 am to get the whole process started. Wednesdays are the days when my doctor is on call at the hospital. I'm hoping that I don't have to be induced, but my main goal was to go at least up to my due date to give my body time to do it's thing on it's own. I had Patrick take some pictures of me and of us this afternoon. I'm not sure how many more opportunities for maternity pictures we are going to get! I think they turned out really well. Can't wait until we can start taking pictures of our baby! He's going to have so many that it won't even be funny. I have this week left of work, unless of course I go into labor. I think I have everything ready, but how prepared can you really be? Look for more posts to come in the near future! We're almost there!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he fit in there! Must have been cozy. :)
