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Sunday, February 21, 2010

29 weeks and glucose test

Today marks 29 weeks.....11 weeks to go! I went to the doctor for the all dreaded glucose test to determine whether or not I had developed gestational diabetes. You have to fast, so I just scheduled my appointment for the morning and didn't eat anything beforehand. They gave me this glucose drink that tasted somewhat like a flat sprite with artificial sweetener added. It was pretty gross. Then they wait a hour and draw your blood to test the sugar levels. It made me nauseous drinking it, then the blood test without eating was no fun either. They test your iron levels at this time too, and for me they tested my thyroid since I have a thyroid condition. Needless to say, it was not a fun morning, but I did get awesome news the next day that I had passed the glucose test and my iron levels were good too. Very thankful that I passed, and also that I don't have to partake in the second test they give you over three hours!

After a fiasco last weekend with my dresser/combo unit, we do have the correct one now! We had gotten the crib at Baby Depot, but they didn't have any other pieces in the collection besides the crib. Babies R Us carries the same collection, so I figured I wouldn't have a problem ordering the combo unit there. I had to wait a little while for them to get it in the warehouse before ordering, but I finally got word that it was in last week. We opened it up and realized it was the total wrong color, and was about 4 shades darker than the crib we had. I was baffled at first. Both the crib and the dresser say they are in the cherry finish. After a little more research, we discovered that Babies R Us carries Rustic Cherry and Baby Depot carries Natural Cherry. Greeeeeat, seriously? Two different cherry finishes? Luckily they let us return it at Babies R Us last Sunday, and we went to Baby Depot to see if they had gotten it yet. They hadn't, but said we could special order. A special order could take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. Me being me and wanting to get the nursery finished was a little bummed, but I couldn't find anywhere else to get it and I really wanted it. So we ordered last Sunday, and imagine my surprise when I get a call on Thursday afternoon saying that it was already in! It took less than a week, and here I was imagining it not coming in until right before or after he was born. I did have a 20% off coupon that miraculously came in the mail the week before as well. I am a happy camper once again! We picked it up Saturday, and it looks awesome. I was a little worried since the first fiasco, but it is perfect. My mom came down on Friday night to go to a jewelry party with me, and she brought a little side table for us to go beside the glider. It matches and is just want I wanted. Just a few things left to decorate in there and get the curtains up! All major furniture is purchased! My first shower is in two weeks, and I can't wait! Cherette has been working hard, and I know she has cute little projects going on. It is going to be so much fun!

Dresser/combo unit

Exciting things going on with the baby this week:
  • He weighs between 2.5 and 3 pounds, and around 15 inches long.
  • The baby's brain can now control breathing and body functions.
  • The baby can cough and has perfected the sucking ability.
  • Skin is starting to appear less wrinkled, and he is starting to fill out.
  • Based on brain waves, it is shown that babies can dream at this point! Wonder what he could be dreaming about!
  • Babies born at this point have a 9/10 chance for survival. Hoping he stays in there though to further develop and get bigger!

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