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Sunday, March 7, 2010

1st Baby Shower!

Me with the hostess Cherette!

31 weeks today! I had my first baby shower yesterday thrown by my awesome sister in law Cherette for Patrick's side of the family. She held it at her house, and everything was just perfect. She had everything decorated so well, and was quite crafty! The diaper wreaths were sooo awesome! I hadn't seen them before, and think they are just as cute or cuter than diaper cakes. The favors were little baby food jars (saved from Kara) that she painted and put jelly beans in and attached with an "It's a Boy!" ribbon. The finishing touch was a picture of the little monkey face that is on our bedding put on the top of the jars. The same little monkey was on the cake, as well as the saying that she put on our invitations. I don't think I've seen a cuter cake! I took about 15 pictures of it, and hated cutting it! I could go on and on about how cute everything looked! I took pictures with our DSLR camera that is fairly new, and that I haven't had reason to use very much yet. The pictures turned out great! Such a difference with the other point and shoot camera I have. I uploaded a small amount, but more are on facebook, and I had sooo many more! Between both cameras, I had around 275 pictures! Yikes, just think about how many there will be when the baby is actually here!


Diaper wreath #1

Diaper wreath #2

The amazing cake!

The games were a lot of fun too. My favorite was where teams had to cut out pictures from magazines of different baby parts and glue them onto a piece of paper to create what they thought baby White would look like. They were all very creative and so different! Cherette knew I would appreciate having the pictures for my scrapbook. I got to hold up the finished products and announce my favorite. The winner ended up being a little boy with an interesting mismatched outfit, a guitar in hand, hat on, complete with a little dog by the feet. They got an extra point for the little dog, but I thought the outfit was great too. The runner up was one that had a little face that actually did look a lot like Patrick when he was little. They however lost points by putting legs on him that had pink pants and pink shoes on the feet. Another one of the games was tasting or smelling baby food and trying to guess the ingredients. The first one was alright, but the rest were seriously soooo gross. Made me really want to make the baby's food even more! We also did the belly measuring game, and Patrick's cousin Olivia was almost dead on!

What will baby White look like?

Yum! Baby food!

I got some really great things for our little man! He got a lot of adorable clothes, onesies, sleepers, hats, etc. He's going to be such a stud! We also got quite a few cute toys for him. I was very excited to get my Boppy pillow, my Bumbo seat, the Bundle Me for the carseat when it's cold, bath tub, and tons of hooded towels! I'm so thankful for all the family, because we could never afford to get all this great stuff on our own for the baby.


Patrick was in Columbus for the night for the Arnold classic, so my mom stayed the night with me after the shower. It was really nice to have her here. We got home pretty tired, but still got out all the stuff and looked at it all again. It was fun to put it away and try and figure out where I wanted everything to go. I still have to wash everything, but I wanted to get it somewhat arranged. Such a great day!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had a great time. Cherette did an awesome job! By the way, I make Tillie's baby food, so let you know if you want any insight on that.
