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Monday, March 1, 2010

30 weeks....10 to go!

30 weeks, 1 day

30 weeks, 1 day

Kate and sweet baby James!

Bella, enjoying my preggo pillow the Snoogle

Almost down to single digit weeks! As you can see, I am huge now! I don't have many complaints except I have to pee almost constantly! I think his favorite spot in there must be right on my bladder. I go see my doctor again next Tuesday, but nothing eventful at that appointment. I'm glad February has come and gone, and am so excited for upcoming things in March and April (and of course May!). My first shower is next Saturday, and I know it will be fantastic. We have our childbirth class on March 20th, and then another shower for friends and coworkers on the 27th. No name yet....still calling him little man for the time being.

This past Saturday I got to go visit my college roommate Kate who came in town to see her sister's new baby James. He was just born on the 18th of Feb, so a little over a week old. He was so precious! He was a very content little guy. It was great to see Kate and the baby, and it did make me really excited for our little man to get here!

Had to throw in a little picture of Bella too. After all, she is my first baby! I think I said in a previous post, she seems to enjoy the Snoogle too. She always sleeps either curled up in the bottom part or somewhat on top of it, or between me and the pillow. Don't worry, the human baby will not be sleeping in this manner. Bella is pretty good at moving or letting us know where she is.

Things going on this week with little man:
  • He's about 3 pounds now and around 15.5-16 inches
  • The lanugo hair that covered his body as protection is starting to fall off
  • He can open and close his eyes and even respond to light shined on him
  • Amniotic fluid around him will start to decrease as he gets bigger to make more room

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