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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas, New Years, and Baby BOY White!

It's confirmed! It is a boy!

Baby Legs!

Boy parts!

With Erin and Kate after Christmas

19 weeks, 2 days

20 weeks, 3 days

So I feel like a blog failure. It's been a while since I've posted anything and it seems like so much has happened. We had a great ultrasound on December 17th, and found out that baby White is developing right on track and is a healthy little boy! He put his little butt right up to the screen so we got a good look! We really thought that it was going to be a boy for some reason. Just a feeling. We are so excited to now know for sure and start to plan and decorate. We went to Babys R Us and ended up already buying our bedding and the pieces in the collection that go along with it because it was on clearance. Such a cute pattern and deal that we couldn't pass it up. It is called Monkey Vine. I really wanted to incorporate monkeys, especially if the baby was a boy. We also decided for sure on our car seat and stroller. We are going with the Pippin collection from Graco. It has very cute little elephants. I did start my registry too, so you can check on Babys R Us if you are interested in seeing anything we've picked out so far. I don't have everything on there yet, just some of the main stuff.

Yesterday we went with my parents to order our crib because we had a 20% off coupon. I thought that we would have to order and it would take weeks to get in. Turns out they had three in stock, so we are going back today to pick it up! So exciting! We went with the Europa Baby (another division of Babi Italia) Palisades crib in oak. We have an armoire that is really nice already from his grandma which should match nicely. The coupon made such a difference in the price too. I'm actually quite proud of the coupons and savings I've used so far for this baby! Things are just so expensive!

Christmas was really nice this year once again. We spent the day with the White's, and then my parents ended up coming down for Christmas dinner. Patrick and I then went to my parents' house for a few days after Christmas. We both took the week after Christmas off work, and it's been so nice. I have unfortunately been sick again, pretty much the whole break, but finally getting better now. My immune system must be focused on more important things right now, along with the fact that you can't take much in terms of medication, makes it not so fun when you are sick. But I can't complain. As long as the baby is healthy. I was really excited to see Kate and Erin at Kate's sister's baby shower the day after Christmas. I wish I didn't live so far from most of my college friends, but it's always great to see them. New Years was spent at Ted and Miranda's, and it was a good time once again. It was a little weird to be the only sober one, but I didn't mind too much.

I think that my belly really started to pop out around week 19, and it just keeps growing! That's about the time when I can really feel him much more as well. We are now, as of today, at 22 weeks! Can't believe how fast it is going now! I will try to do better with my blog updates from now on. Hope everyone is having a great start to the new year!

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