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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy Saturday!

15 weeks, 3 days

Tomorrow marks 16 weeks! I can't believe how fast weeks 12 to 16 have flown by now that I feel better. We had another appointment this past Thursday and got to hear the little baby's heartbeat again. So great. It was in the 160's. It was a pretty short visit, but it was so reassuring to hear that little heartbeat again. I also scheduled my next ultrasound for December 17th. We will finally know if the baby is a boy or girl!! More importantly, they will check to make sure everything is developing as it should be. We got a new DSLR camera this week too in preparation for baby. We've gotten to play around with it a little, and it's amazing the difference it makes in the pictures. Can't wait to learn more about it. Our chihuahua Bella has made quite that little model. We got a really good deal on it, and I'm excited to have it for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the rest of my pregnancy too. I'm starting to notice a small bump coming, but I can still zip my jeans so nothing major yet. Pretty soon I will be able to feel the baby move, which will really be exciting!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

14.5 weeks!

8 weeks, 2 days

10 weeks, 2 days

13 weeks, 3 days

Just thought I would post some pictures. I really don't show yet, and my pants still fit fine. Wondering when I will ever pop. I'm sure it will come soon enough! I got my swine flu shot this past Saturday, and then spent the rest of the day shopping at the outlets with my mom. Got a few maternity items at the maternity store for when I need them. I stayed that night at my parent's house Saturday, and Sunday they got a new puppy! He is a Cavalier King Charles, and I decided that Charlie would be a rather fitting name for him. He is really cute and it was definitely time that my parents got a new puppy. As for me, I am feeling so much better! All I've read says that the 2nd trimester is so much better, and it definitely has been starting off that way for me. I haven't really felt sick lately, and have more of an appetite. I see my doctor again a week from tomorrow. Then after that the next appointment will be the 20 week ultrasound and we can find out if we are having a boy or a girl! Only 5 1/2 more weeks to go! Hard to believe that in that time I will be halfway through the pregnancy. It's been going pretty fast, despite feeling kinda rough. I'm sure with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming, those weeks will fly by. Excited to find out!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

13 weeks!

Today marks 13 weeks! We had our niece Kara's baptism this afternoon, and were able to tell a good majority of the family our news. I told my good friend (and now neighbor) Tiffany on Thursday, and thought she might explode at work on Friday. A couple people were out, but I plan on telling the rest of the crew this week. I thought it was funny that Patrick's aunt said I looked like I'd lost weight before I told her I was pregnant. I guess it's true though. Still about 8 - 10 pounds lost, but I'm sure that will turn around soon. The morning sickness has seemed to get a little better this past week.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

1st Ultrasound!

Baby's first pictures!!!!!

We went today for our first ultrasound! I have to say I was nervous beforehand, but excited too. I am so relieved that everything looks great! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen or heard. Baby White is measuring at exactly where he/she should at 11 weeks and 4 days. The heartbeat was a healthy 170 beats per minute. It was amazing to see how much it was moving around in there. We have 4 pictures, with my favorites being the profile and the picture of the little arm and hand with fingers! I am so thankful that everything is fine. It's still unbelievable to me that I have that little life inside me. So amazing. We still haven't told anyone else, but are meeting my parents and brother for dinner tonight, and plan to tell him. I think he will be surprised. We will probably start telling people pretty soon now that we know things are fine. I like telling people in person as much as possible though, before everyone finds out via facebook!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

11 Weeks!

Patrick and I are having a baby!! Baby White is due to arrive on May 9th, 2010, which just so happens to be Mother's Day next year. Hopefully baby will come on time or slightly early, so that I don't have to share my birthday on the 14th. It wouldn't be the end of the world though, and may be kinda cool to share. Just starting to write my blog today, but no one will probably be reading this for a little while longer since no one knows yet! Well, our parents know and Cherette and Aaron (soon to be aunt and uncle), but that's all so far. Would have told my brother, but would rather do it in person and I haven't gotten to see him for a little while! Today is Sunday, October 18th, and today marks the beginning of the 11th week. Everything I've read says that the threat of miscarriage is much much less once you get to 12 weeks, so I am praying that all is well! We go for our first ultrasound this Thursday, which I am excited and somewhat nervous about. I just hope everything is progressing how it should in there.

We found out on September 1st, after I was only maybe 2 or 3 days late. We were very excited, but it still didn't seem all that real at first. I had wanted to start trying in August for a while, and it just so happened to work out perfectly. Now at 11 weeks, I've actually lost about 5 pounds. I've had some morning sickness, and really not much of an appetite. It's funny, because I get full much faster for some reason. Anyways, went camping with my dad's whole side of the family over Labor Day weekend, and managed to keep it a secret even though people kept asking us when we were going to have a baby. Didn't even tell my parents. I went to the doctor's on September 8th just to confirm that the home pregnancy test was correct. Then I had my first OB appointment on September 24th. I think we are going to start sharing the news as long as all is well this Thursday at the ultrasound. I don't know how long I can make up excuses not to drink, so that will be nice when people know! The last wedding I went to was right after we found out, and I faked it by drinking cranberry juice and sprite all night. I would recommend that concoction to those of you pregnant and not ready to share yet. Just don't let anyone be around when you have to order.

I don't really have a strong desire either way for a boy or girl, but right now I think it may be a boy. We are planning to find out, and will probably find out right around Christmas time. It will be neat because Kara (my niece) will be 9 months when the baby is born, so they will be close. I could keep writing, but I will end here for now. I will try and get some pictures posted soon. Stay tuned!