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Thursday, October 22, 2009

1st Ultrasound!

Baby's first pictures!!!!!

We went today for our first ultrasound! I have to say I was nervous beforehand, but excited too. I am so relieved that everything looks great! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen or heard. Baby White is measuring at exactly where he/she should at 11 weeks and 4 days. The heartbeat was a healthy 170 beats per minute. It was amazing to see how much it was moving around in there. We have 4 pictures, with my favorites being the profile and the picture of the little arm and hand with fingers! I am so thankful that everything is fine. It's still unbelievable to me that I have that little life inside me. So amazing. We still haven't told anyone else, but are meeting my parents and brother for dinner tonight, and plan to tell him. I think he will be surprised. We will probably start telling people pretty soon now that we know things are fine. I like telling people in person as much as possible though, before everyone finds out via facebook!

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