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Thursday, April 22, 2010

37.5 weeks....will it ever end?

37 weeks, 3 days

I went to the doctor today for my weekly appointment and he did start checking me at this appointment. He said there wasn't much progress yet. I'm not dialated at all, but I am about 60% effaced. With all of these Braxton Hick contractions I've been having, I would have thought I was maybe around there or a little more. I'm excited to have him out, but scared to death at the same time. I'm not as much scared of the labor as taking him home! Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled he will be here, it's just a little scary to be in charge of something so incredibly important! Anyways, the doctor wanted to go ahead and schedule an induction if I haven't already gone into labor. Since he is on call on Wednesdays, he went ahead and scheduled it for Wednesday, May 12th. I will be a few days past my due date at that point. I really hope I don't have to be induced, but I think that giving my body at least up until my due date is good. If I don't have him by then, I will be fine with being induced on the 12th. Another interesting thing at the appointment was when the doctor guessed how big Owen was going to be. He said he didn't think he was going to be very big of a baby, and he guessed that he would be born weighing in the low 6's! That was based on just seeing me and feeling the baby, and he did say afterward that he really didn't know and couldn't say for sure. So I'm definitely not counting on it. I've heard plenty of stories from people who have had doctors say their babies would be much bigger or smaller than ended up being. My guess is that he will be in the low 7's. Only time will tell! If you are reading this and you have a guess, play my game! Go to and make a guess! The only other exciting thing to report is that I am getting a hot stone foot massage and pedicure at Becoming Mom on Saturday morning! Cherette and Aaron got it for me for Christmas, and I was holding out until I was closer so that I would have pretty toes for the delivery. Well pretty toes really just for the warmer weather where I'd be wearing more sandals and they would be seen. Anyways, I'm very much looking forward to it!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

36 weeks, 2 days belly pic!

Here's the latest pics for tonight (4/13) at 36 weeks, 2 days. Little man sure is growing in there!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

36 week update and Springfield shower

Two of the three hosts of the shower

I am now 36 weeks as of today! Not long now! I'm starting to get a little more uncomfortable too. I wouldn't say miserable, but definitely not moving as quickly and the belly is unbelievable. The past couple weeks have been beautiful for the most part, with pretty warm temperatures. I have never been a particularly hot person, but man a couple of those days I was HOT. I started to swell much more too, mainly just my hands and ankles. I had a doctor's appointment last Thursday, and then another one this Thursday where he is going to start measuring me to see if I'm at all dialated. I see him every week now until the big day. Can't believe how soon it will be here! I'm really excited for little Owen to finally be here. I've been a bit on nesting overdrive. Started doing the baby laundry yesterday, and currently have a load in the washer and one in the dryer at this very moment. I admit I was somewhat obsessing over trying to figure out the perfect place for everything in the room, and Patrick said I needed to stop over thinking it and that I would probably change my mind when he was born. Too funny, and probably true too. I think we have all the of the necessities for our little man, and now we just need him!

Last weekend I had my side of the family and friend shower in my hometown of Springfield. Once again I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that came and the generosity. We got some more great clothes, bottles, our bouncer, sheets, feeding items, and so much more. The cousins on my dad's side of the family have quite a bit of children, and mostly all are girls. I think it's something like 11 girls to 2 boys. My cousin Todd's wife is now pregnant too, and due in August with a boy too! I told her we were trying to repopulate the family with boys. Anyways, it was really fun at the shower because the little girls sat in front of me when I was opening up the presents, and would "oohhh" and "ahhh" and say "oh that is sooo adorable" whenever I would open up an new outfit. They were too cute!

The girls (faces painted and all) "oohhing" and "ahhing"

Me and mom

Me and Cherette

Mother in law and sister in law

Valerie and I! She's due July 11th, and me May 9th. She's still so tiny compared to me!